Remote Gaming License

Obtaining licenses for gambling activities, tax consultancy & planning, legal strategy, consultancy, legal opinions & reports, registering companies in European jurisdictions without requiring the licensing of related activities.

Isle of Man Remote Gaming License

The Isle of Man is a self-governed territory situated in the Irish Sea and formally under the control of Great Britain.

The Isle of Man is a self-governed territory situated in the Irish Sea and formally under the control of Great Britain. We recommend paying attention to the Isle of Man as it has separate legislation, which encourages gambling since 2001. In fact,  The Isle of Man is among the first countries that provide attractive taxes for gambling and gaming.

Holders of a gambling license in the Isle of Man have a number of advantages, such as a simple and efficient tax framework, a simple application process, and a business-friendly environment with a highly skilled workforce. A significant amount of the Island’s GDP comes from the presence of offshore gambling companies.

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Online Gambling. The principal legislation regulating the online gambling industry is the Online Gambling Regulation Act 2001 (OGRA). All forms of online gambling and gaming are potentially licensable under OGRA with the exception of spread betting, as set out in the Online Gambling (Prescribed Descriptions) Regulations 2007. Please note that spread betting would fall to be regulated by the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority.

Land-based Gaming. Casino gaming is regulated by the Casino Act 1986 (CA 1986). The Casino Regulations 2011 provide for the operation and control of casinos in accordance with the CA 1986 and set out a list of prescribed games which may be played in the gaming room of a casino which includes, among others, bingo and poker.

Land-based Betting. The Gaming, Betting and Lotteries Act 1988 (GBLA) and the Gaming, Betting and Lotteries (Amendment) Act 2001 regulate land-based betting and bookmaking and amusements with prizes. The GBLA permits gaming, which is defined in the GBLA as “the playing of a game of chance for winnings in money or money’s worth, whether or not any person playing the game is at risk of losing any money or money’s worth”, subject to certain prohibitions set out therein.

Land-based Lotteries. The National Lottery Act 1999 and the GBLA regulate lotteries in the Isle of Man. The UK National Lottery is available on the Isle of Man and, apart from any small society lotteries, is the only legal land-based lottery operating on the Island.

Social / Skill arrangements. Social gaming with no prize in money or money’s worth falls outside of the definition of gaming set out in the GBLA and OGRA (see above), and is therefore not currently regulated by statute. Land-based skills games with no element of chance are regulated under the GBLA.

We can help you incorporate and obtain the Isle of Man Gaming License

Zone Advantages

  1. Clear and easy procedure

Only 2 laws regulate the online gaming business. Their main aim is to protect investors and business owners, so you do not have to worry about the assets. There is one type of license for all kinds of activities. Some additional activities, like marketing or server maintenance, do not require a license at all. Also, you can apply for a license and operate under the brand of well-known institutions.

  1. Simple tax strategy

Due to the accommodation of the Isle of Man there is a possibility to be listed on the UK main stock market or AIM:

  • 1.5% and 0.1% on profit from gambling;
  • 0% of the corporate tax;
  • favorable personal tax rates, which are limited to £120,000 for individuals per year;
  • opportunity to get a state grant.

Licensing Process

The Online Gaming Regulation Act from 2001 states all the requirements to obtain a gambling license. First of all, an applicant must have:

  • a certificate of no criminal record of the company owners. The certificate should be issued no longer than 3 months ago on the date of license applying;
  • notarize passport(s) copies;
  • bank certificates for each owner separately;
  • utility bills not older than 3 months;
  • description of types of games, which company plans to offer;
  • a business plan of the company;
  • information on software;
  • description of the potential audience: location and main characteristics;
  • a statement of the company owners stating that they will not provide services to the minors.

Specific Requirements:

  • the company must be registered on the Isle of Man;
  • there have to be at least 2 employees at the managing positions;
  • an authorized person should be an Isle of Man resident;
  • bank accounts and servers can only be local.

The license is issued for 5 years. It is worth noticing, that the Gaming Commission reserves the right to refuse to issue a license. One of the cases, when the Commission can refuse to issue the license, is when there are reasons to suspect that the company provides fictitious activity only in order to become white-listed.

Contact Szilaghi Consulting to Get Your Isle of Man Gambling License

For more than 21 years, Szilaghi Consulting has been working with startups, entrepreneurs, and companies already established for online gambling. We have worked all over the world, but we have a special and extensive practice in the Isle of Man. During this time, I gained a deep knowledge of the requirements and general obligations of the process of incorporating the company and obtaining a license for gambling in the Isle of Man. We have established relationships with industry stakeholders, including authorities, service providers, and other gaming companies. This positions us as market leaders in assisting our customers with Isle of Man licensing goals.

Through our extensive and carefully verified network of contacts in the country, we can ensure that you move efficiently through the entire setup process. We know everything you need to know about requirements, criteria, nuances, and possible obstacles and can help you prevent and navigate whatever comes your way.

To incorporate the company and apply for a gambling license in the Isle of Man or just to discuss your plan, vision or options, contact Szilaghi Consulting today.

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