Organizational Change Management

A change management plan can support a smooth transition and ensure your employees are guided through the change journey.


Shifting a culture requires a delicate, systematic, and well-planned approach to avoid failure and affect positive change.

Szilaghi Consulting can help guide your organization through the necessary transition, ensuring you are ready for change, are prepared to lead the change, and are able to validate that change has occurred.

You deserve the best result!


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Change Readiness Assessment

A Change Readiness Assessment documents your organizational climate in terms of its culture, its history with change/transformation initiatives, and its resistance to change. Szilaghi Consulting uses a series of diagnostic tools to determine your organization’s readiness for a successful transformation effort. Information on attitudes and behaviors gathered during stakeholder interviews and surveys allows us to collectively identify areas of concern and barriers you are likely to encounter during your change efforts.

Change Management Action Plan

A Change Management Action Plan defines the transition path from the old way of doing business to the new. For each area of concern identified in the Change Readiness Assessment, Szilaghi Consulting works collaboratively with your organization’s change agents to develop specific action steps to help mitigate the impact of the change management issues. These actions are designed to help overcome resistance, reduce the impact of past history, and convey a shared vision for acceptance into the business culture. Documented communication strategies are essential to ensure that stakeholders are receiving critical pieces of information at the right intervals.

Change Monitoring & Reinforcement

Change Monitoring & Reinforcement activities are essential to validate the change has been accepted and put into practice. To monitor change progress, Szilaghi Consulting can help you perform periodic reviews of the change initiatives identified in the Change Management Action Plan to confirm the transition is moving along as planned. If these reviews indicate something is going awry, it serves as a trigger to immediately initiate actions required to address the issues so change efforts do not falter. Our change reinforcement services support cultural acceptance and include mentoring, coaching, workshops, and training.

Contact Szilaghi Consulting to Get Your Gaming License

Szilaghi Consulting has been providing services to the online and offline gambling industry for over 17 years. We have helped our clients to make the right choices, to realize their visions, to overcome obstacles, and, above all, to succeed. We offer transparency and efficiency and we are committed to always acting only in your interest.

Our experience in obtaining online and offline gambling licenses differentiates us from the competition. We cover all your needs, from the incorporation of the gambling company, the creation of fiscal and compliance structures, to obtaining the gambling license.

We invite you to schedule a consultation with us. We like to communicate with our customers, troubleshoot their problems, and offer solutions. We invite you to contact us today to discuss this with one of our agents. Let us help you take your business to the next level.

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