Licensing conditions for B2B affiliate sites in Romania

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Licensing conditions for B2B affiliate sites in Romania are quite harsh if we only think that the annual fee is 6,000 euros. The current article is to inform those who want to apply for the Class 2 License – Affiliates – what they need and what information they are interested in from the methodological rules. With the regulation of online gambling, it is very likely that the number of sports betting sites will decrease considerably or at least will be limited to the current one.

The 2nd class license is valid for 10 years from the date of granting, subject to the payment of the related fees, as follows:
a) for the first year until the 25th of the month following the month in which the documentation submitted by the economic operator was approved;
b) for the following years, at least 10 days before the end of the one-year period.

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The annual fee for affiliates is 6,000 euros per year! In addition, a fee of 1,000 euros per year is paid for the “Gambling Addiction Prevention Fund”
The 2nd class license is granted starting with the 1st of the month following the one in which, after the approval of the documentation, the economic operator paid the fee.

In case of non-fulfillment of the obligation to pay the license fee related to the first year of validity within the stipulated term, the approval of the documentation is revoked by law, without fulfilling any additional formality.

In order to obtain the 2nd class license, the affiliated persons will submit to the Committee the following documentation:

  1. the standard application, by which the committee is required to grant a 2nd class license. The application will be written and typed in Romanian, will be signed by the legal representative of the economic operator / authorized natural person, and will contain the address of the economic operator’s registered office, the respective contact details: telephone number, fax, e-mail address and the type of activity for which the license is requested.
  2. description of the submitted documents;
  3. the registration certificate at the trade register office / similar document issued by the authority;
  4. the certificate of establishment issued by the trade register office / similar document issued by the authority, showing at least the following:
    • the identification elements of the respective economic operator: the form of organization, the name, the address of the registered office, the unique registration code, and other identification data;
    • the subscribed and paid-in share capital;
    • the structure of the shareholders or associates, as the case may be;
    • name, surname, and address of legal representatives;
    • the main object of activity, according to the legal regulations;
    • registered secondary offices and their addresses;
  5. the articles of association of the company;
  6. the legal representatives of the economic operator or the natural person authorized to carry out the activity will draw up and submit a description of the activity carried out as well as the internet domains on which they will operate;
  7. criminal record certificate or other document issued by the competent authorities in whose area of ​​competence is the last known domicile / registered office of the legal representatives /associates/administrators, (in case there are several legal representatives, the certificate will be presented criminal record or other documents issued by the competent authorities for each), from which it should result that a final judgment of conviction has not been handed down against him for the emergency ordinance or for another offense committed with intent for which a sentence of at least 2 years’ imprisonment was applied;
  8. where applicable, the affiliation agreement with a remote gambling organizer

Contact Us to Start Your Gaming Company Today

Szilaghi Consulting has worked in the gambling business since 2004. We can assist new clients with the incorporation of gaming companies, fiscal registration, and licensing matters. To draw on our experience and to benefit from our advice, contact us today to find out more.

How can Szilaghi Consulting help you start your online gambling business?

Choosing a gambling licensing jurisdiction is quite difficult, to begin with. Given the sheer number of factors that need to be considered by gambling operators, the choice can be overwhelming.

Szilaghi Consulting has been providing services to the online and offline gambling industry since 2004. We have helped our clients to make the right choices, realize their visions, overcome obstacles, and, above all, succeed. We offer transparency and efficiency and we are committed to always acting only in your interest.

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We invite you to schedule a consultation with us. We like to communicate with our customers, troubleshoot their problems, and offer solutions. We invite you to contact us today to discuss this with one of our agents. Let us help you take your business to the next level.

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