How to get your business ready for GDPR Compliance

[vc_row m_bottom=”70″][vc_column][vc_column_text]The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force in May 2018. This new European Commission regulation aims to standardise and improve data protection across EU member states by requiring companies to comply with strict procedures and standards regarding the data they hold and the way in which it is managed. Compliance with the GDPR is essential for all companies that do business within … Continue

6 Proactive Ways To Begin To Prepare Your Organisation For The GDPR

1. Find helpful resources that will help you solve GDPR-related issues. The marketplace is now saturated with tools being relabeled as “GDPR solutions”, such as firewalls and antivirus software. While many of those tools may serve an important purpose, they will only be useful if you have a vision of how the tool can help your organisation to manage privacy and data risk. GDPR compliance is a … Continue

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