The obligations of bookmakers in relation to the Treasury and gamblers

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The bookmaker has the responsibility of awarding the prize within a maximum of three working days to the person who presented the chips, coupons, tickets or other means to prove the winnings.

Art. 110 of the new Fiscal Code states that the revenue from traditional gambling, offline bets, is imposed by withholding at the source. For each winning ticket, the following tax will be paid:

  • up to RON 66,750 (approx 15,000 Euro) – 1% of the amount won
  • between RON 66,751 and RON 445,000 (approx 100,000 Euro) – RON 667.5 plus 16% for what exceeds the amount of RON 66,750
  • over RON 445,000 (over 100,000 Euro) – 61,187.5 plus 25% for what exceeds the amount of RON 445,000

The companies have the obligation to submit the form 205 “Informative statement on the tax withheld at source and the gains/losses realized, on income beneficiaries” to ANAF by last day of February (28 or 29, as the case may be) including the current year for the expired year, for calculating and withholding the tax for each player that made an income.

The income made by individuals as a result of participating in remote gambling (online) is not taxed at the source. Each taxpayer will have to submit the Declaration no. 200 on the realized income and ANAF will calculate and determine the annual tax due and will issue the taxation decision. The winners of online bets are obliged to submit the declaration until the 25th of May of the year following the accomplishment of income.

The tax return, submitted by taxpayers, is submitted only after the remote gambling organizers (online bookmakers) transmit to bettors the information regarding each gross income received throughout the year. The deadline by which the players must receive, from the organizers, such a record of the amounts won is the last day of February of the current year for the previous year. The transmission is done in written form, by e-mail.

Each company is obliged that, until the end of February of the current year, for the previous year, to submit to ANAF an informative declaration regarding the gross income, for each player. Basically, such a measure has the role of comparing the information offered by the bettors through the no. 200 form and the real ones, for correct taxation of the income.

The bookmaker must keep a nominal record of the people that have obtained gambling income greater than 66.750 de lei (approx 15,000 euros) and declare them to ANAF, until May 25 of the year following that of income.

According to the legislation in force, the gambling organizers who also have the capacity of payers of tax on profit have additional declarative obligations. These taxpayers must submit the declarations provided by art. 41 and 42 of the Fiscal Code, where it is specified that the declaration, calculation, and payment of the tax on profit is made quarterly, until the 25th of the first month following the end of the I-III quarters.

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