Which games of chance require a gaming license in Romania

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Gambling is defined as that commercial activity that cumulatively meets the following conditions: material winnings are awarded, usually in cash, as a result of the public offer by the organizer of a potential win and acceptance of the offer by the participant, with a fee of direct or hidden participation, the winnings being attributed by random selection of the results of the events that are the subject of the game, regardless of how they are produced.

The organization and operation of gambling in Romania constitutes a state monopoly and takes place under the conditions of GEO no. 77/2009.

The state grants the right to organize and operate gambling, based on the license to organize and authorize the operation of gambling.

For the following activities it is necessary to obtain a gambling organization license:

    1. lotto games;
    2. sport bets;
    3. casino games (specific means can be: playing cards, dice, roulette balls, roulette, and gaming tables, including their auxiliary installations);
    4. slot machine games;
    5. bingo games played in game rooms;
    6. bingo games organized through television network systems;
    7. bingo games organized by means of internet communication systems, fixed or mobile telephony systems;
    8. online betting representing the activity of fixed-odds betting, organized through internet communication systems, fixed or mobile telephony systems;
    9. online gambling representing the totality of gambling, other than those defined in the letter. a), e), f), g) and h).

The license for organizing gambling is granted to companies that meet the conditions for organizing the mentioned activities. The license is valid for 5 years from the date of granting.

The following activities are not considered gambling and do not require a license:

  • raffles organized in schools, kindergartens, or other communities and which have a fun and non-profit character for the organizers;
  • fun games operated through machines, devices, devices of any kind and which do not involve winnings based on random elements, but aim to test the strength, intelligence, and dexterity of the participant;
  • the actions organized by different economic agents in the conditions of the ordinance, in order to stimulate sales and which do not involve participation fee, respectively no additional expense from the participants or increase the price that the product had before the advertising action.

Szilaghi Consulting offers consultancy services and complete package solutions for gambling license acquisition that include:

  • Gambling jurisdiction and business advisory
  • Gambling business corporate structure incorporation
  • Opening bank accounts
  • Gambling license application

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