
Romanian Gaming Regulator issued money-laundering prevention instructions for gambling companies

Romanian Gaming Regulator issued money-laundering prevention instructions for gambling companies

Gambling companies are required to develop their own policies and rules for identifying and managing the risk of money laundering and terrorist financing, both in terms of customers, activities performed, and types of transactions.

Which games of chance require a gaming license in Romania

Gambling is defined as that commercial activity that cumulatively meets the following conditions: material winnings are awarded, usually in cash, as a result of the public offer by the organizer of a potential win and acceptance of the offer by the participant, with a fee of direct or hidden participation, the winnings being attributed by random selection of the results of the events that are … Continue

Gambling Joint Venture in Romania

Due to the fact that the gambling special regulation in Romania allows the exploitation of gambling, jointly or not, between an organizer and one or more economic operators or individuals between whom there is a contract concluded under the law, the most practical form the exploitation of gambling is represented by the joint venture. According to the legal provisions, this type of contract includes mandatory … Continue

Taxation of sports betting organizers in 2020

In Romania, the specific taxes for sports betting activity and the payment terms, are provided in the special regulations, the fiscal procedures, and practices that are found in the common regulations, in the form of fiscal and accounting procedures. This article will summarize the gambling activity of the traditional bets type, with all the three components: mutual bets, counterparty bets, and fixed odds bets. Specific … Continue

Why open a micro-enterprise in Romania

SRL (Limited Liability Company) is the most common form of organization of companies in Romania, which has limited liability in front of the law and its owners, being one of the safest for the associates. SRL is also the cheapest way to open a company, as the social capital required for setting up is only 200 lei. The establishment of an SRL type company can … Continue

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